Safe and modern battery charging room in 5 steps...!
Before the installation and start the battery charging room we need the time to determine the details regarding of existing equipment of charging stations, number of batteries, rectifiers, future planning of forklifts development etc. The first stage is, in other words, to analyze the situation and develop together with the Investor the details of the target solution of the battery charging room.
Based on the information collected and the findings a design documentation of the battery charging room is formed. Performing the necessary calculations, drawings, and a positive opinion of the fire protection stating that the proposed technical solutions eliminate the danger zone explosion closes the second stage of the work.
Equipment of battery charging posts - in addition to a number of other elements - should always include a ventilation system, electrical system and control the operation of the battery charging rooms, the hydrogen detection system, structures supporting batteries and rectifiers. The third stage is the time needed for the preparation of all scheduled items to install.
A few examples of our projects present the construction of open and closed battery charging
rooms as a set of modules or design of collecting hoods. The fourth stage is the installation
of equipment and starting of the traction battery charging stations in place agreed with the Investor.
After making the necessary adjustments and measurements we complete the documentation with
the as-built protocols. The fifth step is the completion and transfer to the Investor the
documentation of charging traction batteries.